Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Illustrative Transactions and Financial Statements Answers Essay

Identify potential problems with regression data. 7. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of alternative cost estimates. 8. (Appendix A) Use Microsoft Excel to perform a regression analysis. 9. (Appendix B) Understand the mathematical relationship describing the learning phenomenon. Why Estimate Costs? Managers make decisions and need to compare costs and benefits among alternative actions. Good decision requires good information about costs, the better these estimates, the better the decision managers will make (Lanen, 2008).. Key Question What adds value to the firm? Good decisions. You saw in Chapters 3 and 4 that good decisions require good information about costs. Cost estimates are important elements in helping managers make decisions that add value to the company (Lanen, 2008). Learning Objective One: Understand the reasons for estimating fixed and variable costs The reasons for estimating fixed and variable costs The basic idea in cost estimation is to estimate the relation between costs and the variables affecting costs, the cost drivers. We focus on the relation between costs and one important variable that affect them: activity (Lanen, 2008). Basic Cost Behavior Patterns By now you understand the importance of cost behavior. Cost behavior is the key distinction for decision making. Costs behave as either fixed or variable (Lanen, 2008). Fixed costs are fixed in total, variable costs vary in total. On a per-unit basis, fixed costs vary inversely with activity and variable costs stay the same. Are you getting the idea? Cost behavior is critical for decision making. The formula that we use to estimate costs is similar cost equation: Total costs = fixed costs + {variable cost per unit} number of units T c = f + {v} x |With a change in Activity |In Total |Per Unit | |Fixed Cost |Fixed |Vary | |Variable |Vary |Fixed | What Methods are used to Estimate Cost Behavior? Three general methods used to estimate the relationship between cost behavior and activity levels that are commonly used in practice: Engineering estimates, Account analysis & Statistical methods (Such as regression analysis) (Lanen, 2008). Results are likely to differ from method to method. Consequently, it’s a good idea to use more than one method so that results can be compared. These methods, therefore, should be seen as ways to help management arrive at the best estimates possible. Their weakness and strengths require attention. Learning Objective Two: Estimate costs using engineering estimates. Engineering Estimates Cost estimates are based on measuring and then pricing the work involved in a task. This method based on detailed plans and is frequently used for large projects or new products. This method often omits inefficiencies, such as downtime for unscheduled maintenance, absenteeism and other miscellaneous random events that affect the entire firm (Lanen, 2008). Identify the activities involved Labor |Rent |Insurance |Time |Cost | Advantages of engineering estimates |Details each step required to perform an operation |Permits comparison of other centers with similar operations | |Identifies strengths and weaknesses. | | Disadvantages of engineering estimates 1. Can be quite expensive to use. Learning Objective Three: Estimate costs using account analysis. Account Analysis Estimating costs using account analysis involves a review of each account making up the total costs being analyzed and identifying each cost as either fixed or variable, depending on the relation between the cost and some activity. Account analysis relies heavily on personal judgment. This method is often based on last period’s cost along and is subject to managers focusing on specific issues of the previous period even though these might be unusual and infrequent(Lanen, 2008) . Example: Account Analysis (Exhibit 5. 1) |3C Cost Estimation Using Account Analysis | |Costs for 360 Repair Hours | |Account |Total |Variable Cost |Fixed Cost | |Office Rent $3,375 |$1,375 |$2,000 | |Utilities |310 |100 |210 | |Administration |3,386 |186 |3,200 | |Supplies |2,276 |2,176 |100 | |Training |666 |316 |350 | |Other |613 |257 |356 | |Total |$10,626 |$4,410 |$6,216 | |Per Repair Hour |$12. 25 ($4,410 divided by 360 repair-hours) | 3C Cost Estimation Using Account Analysis (Costs at 360 Repair-Hours. A unit is a repair- hour) Total costs = fixed costs + {variable cost per unit} number of units T c = f + {v} x |$10,626 = $6,216 + $12. 25 (360) |$10,626 = $6,216 + $$4,410 | Costs at 520 Repair-Hours Total costs = fixed costs + {variable cost per unit} number of units |Tc = $6,216 + {$12. 25} 520 |Total costs = $6,216 + $ $6,370 |$12,586 = $6,216 + $ $6,370 | Advantage of Account Analysis 1. Managers and accountants are familiar with company operations and the way costs react to changes in activity levels. Disadvantages of Account Analysis 1. Managers and accountants may be biased. 2. Decisions often have major economic consequences for managers and accountants. Learning Objective Four: Estimate costs using statistical analysis. The statistical analysis deals with both random and unusual events is to use several periods of operation or several locations as the basis for estimating cost relations . We can do this by applying statistical theory, which allows for random events to be separated from the underlying relation between costs and activities. A statistical cost analysis analyzes costs within the relevant range using statistics. Do you remember how we defined relevant range? A relevant range is the range of activity where a cost estimate is valid. The relevant range for cost estimation is usually between the upper and lower limits of past activity levels for which data is available (Lanen, 2008). Example: Overhead Costs for 3C ( Exhibit 5. 2) The following information is used throughout this chapter: Here we have the overhead costs data for 3C for the last 15 months. Let’s use this data to estimate costs using a statistical analysis. |Month |Overhead Costs |Repair-Hours |Month |Overhead Costs |Repair-Hours | |1 |$9,891 |248 |8 |$10,345 |344 | |2 $9,244 |248 |9 |$11,217 |448 | |3 |$13,200 |480 |10 |$13,269 |544 | |4 |$10,555 |284 |11 |$10,830 |340 | |5 |$9,054 |200 |12 |$12,607 |412 | |6 |$10,662 |380 |13 |$10,871 |384 | |7 |$12,883 |568 |14 |$12,816 |404 | | | | |15 |$8,464 |212 | A. Scattergraph Plot of cost and activity levels Does it look like a relationship exists between repair-hours and overhead costs? We will start with a scatter graph. A scatter graph is a plot of cost and activity levels. This gives us a visual representation of costs. Does it look like a relationship exists between repair-hours and overhead cost? We use â€Å"eyeball judgment† to determine the intercept and slope of the line. Now we â€Å"eyeball† the scatter graph to determine the intercept and the slope of a line through the data points. Do you remember graphing our total cost in Chapter 3? Where the total cost line intercepts the horizontal or Y axis represents fixed cost. What we are saying is the intercept equals fixed costs. The slope of the line represents the variable cost per unit. So we use â€Å"eyeball judgment† to determine fixed cost and variable cost per unit to arrive at total cost for a given level of activity. As you can imagine, preparing an estimate on the basis of a scatter graph is subject to a high level of error. Consequently, scatter graphs are usually not used as the sole basis for cost estimates but to illustrate the relations between costs and activity and to point out any past data items that might be significantly out of line. B. High-Low Cost Estimation A method to estimate costs based on two cost observations, usually at the highest and lowest activity level. Although the high-low method allows a computation of estimates of the fixed and variable costs, it ignores most of the information available to the analyst. The high-low method uses two data points to estimate costs (Lanen, 2008). Another approach: Equations V = Cost at highest activity – Cost at lowest activity Highest activity – Lowest activity F = Total cost at highest activity level – V (Highest activity) Or F = Total cost at lowest activity level – V (Lowest activity) Let’s put the numbers in the equations | | | |V = $12,883 – $9,054 |V = $10. 0/RH | |568 – 200 | | F = Total cost at highest activity level – V (Highest activity) F = $12,883 – $10. 40 (568), F= $6,976 Or F = Total cost at lowest activity level – V (Lowest activity) F = $9,054 – $10. 40 (200) Rounding Difference C. Statistical Cost Estimation Using Regression Analysis Statistical procedure to determine the relationship between variables Hi gh-Low Method: Uses two data points. Regression analysis Regression is a statistical procedure that uses all the data points to estimate costs. [pic] Regression Analysis Regression statistically measures the relationship between two variables, activities and costs. Regression techniques are designed to generate a line that best fits a set of data points. In addition, regression techniques generate information that helps a manager determine how well the estimated regression equation describes the relations between costs and activities (Lanen, 2008). We recommend that users of regression (1) fully understand the method and its limitations (2) specify the model, that is the hypothesized relation between costs and cost predictors (3) know the characteristics of the data being tested (4) examine a plot of the data . For 3C, repair-hours are the activities, the independent variable or predictor variable. In regression, the independent variable or predictor variable is identified as the X term. An overhead cost is the dependent variable or Y term. What we are saying is; overhead costs are dependent on repair-hours, or predicted by repair-hours. The Regression Equation |Y = a + bX |Y = Intercept + (Slope) X |OH = Fixed costs + (V) Repair-hours | You already know that an estimate for the costs at any given activity level can be computed using the equation TC = F + VX. The regression equation, Y= a + bX represents the cost equation. Y equals the intercept plus the slope times the number of units. When estimating overhead costs for 3C, total overhead costs equals fixed costs plus the variable cost per unit of repair-hours times the number of repair-hours. We leave the description of the computational details and theory to computer and statistics course; we will focus on the use and interpretation of regression estimates. We describe the steps required to obtain regression estimates using Microsoft Excel in Appendix A to this chapter. Learning Objective Five: Interpret the results of regression output. Interpreting Regression [pic] Interpreting regression output allows us to estimate total overhead costs. The intercept of 6,472 is total fixed costs and the coefficient, 12. 52, is the variable cost per repair-hours. Correlation coefficient â€Å"R† measures the linear relationship between variables. The closer R is to 1. 0 the closer the points are to the regression line. The closer R is to zero, the poorer the regression line (Lanen, 2008). Coefficient of determination â€Å"R2† The square of the correlation coefficient. The proportion of the variation in the dependent variable (Y) explained by the independent variable(s)(X). T-Statistic The t-statistic is the value of the estimated coefficient, b, divided by its standard error. Generally, if it is over 2, then it is considered significant. If significant, the cost is NOT totally fixed. The significant level of the t-statistics is called the p-value. Continuing to interpret the regression output, the Multiple R is called the correlation coefficient and measures the linear relationship between the independent and dependent variables. R Square, the square of the correlation cost efficient, determines and identifies the proportion of the variation in the dependent variable, in this case, overhead costs, that is explained by the independent variable, in this case, repair-hours. The Multiple R, the correlation coefficient, of . 91 tells us that a linear relationship does exist between repair-hours and overhead costs. The R Square, or coefficient of determination, tells us that 82. 8% of the changes in overhead costs can be explained by changes in repair-hours. Can you use this regression output to estimate overhead costs for 3C at 520 repair-hours? Multiple Regressions Multiple regressions are used when more than one predictor (x) is needed to adequately predict the value (Lanen, 2008). For example, it might lead to more precise results if 3C uses both repair hours and the cost of parts in order to predict the total cost. Let’s look at this example. |Predictors: |X1: Repair-hours |X2: Parts Cost | 3C Cost Information | |Month |Overhead Costs |Repair-Hours ( X1) |Parts ( X2) | |1 |$9,891 |248 |$1,065 | |2 |$9,244 |248 |$1,452 | |3 |$13,200 |480 |$3,500 | |4 |$10,555 |284 |$1,568 | |5 |$9,054 |200 |$1,544 | |6 |$10,662 |380 |$1,222 | |7 |$12,883 |568 |$2,986 | |8 |$10,345 |344 |$1,841 | |9 |$11,217 |448 |$1,654 | |10 |$13,269 |544 |$2,100 | |11 |$10,830 |340 |$1,245 | |12 |$12,607 |412 |$2,7 00 | |13 |$10,871 |384 |$2,200 | |14 |$12,816 |404 |$3,110 | |15 |$8,464 |212 |$ 752 | In multiple regressions, the Adjusted R Square is the correlation coefficient squared and adjusted for the number of independent variables used to make the estimate. Reading this output tells us that 89% of the changes in overhead costs can be explained by changes in repair-hours and the cost of parts. Remember 82. % of the changes in overhead costs were explained when one independent variable, repair-hours, was used to estimate the costs. Can you use this regression output to estimate overhead costs for 520 repair-hours and $3,500 cost of parts? Learning Objective Six: Identify potential problems with regression data. Implementation Problems It’s easy to be over confident when interpreting regression output. It all looks so official. But beware of some potential problems with regression data. We already discussed in earlier chapters that costs are curvilinear and cost estimations are only valid within the relevant range. Data may also include outliers and the relationships may be spurious. Let’s talk a bit about each. Curvilinear costs |Outliers |Spurious relations |Assumptions | 1. Curvilinear costs Problem: Attempting to fit a linear model to nonlinear data. Likely to occur near full-capacity. Solution: Define a more limited relevant range (example: from 25 – 75% capacity) or design a nonlinear model. If the cost function is curvilinear, then a linear model contains weaknesses. This generally occurs when the firm is at or near capacity. The leaner cost estimate understates the slope of the cost line in the ranges close capacity. This situation is shown in exhibit 5. 5. 2. Outliers Problem: Outlier moves the regression line. Solution: Prepare a scatter-graph, analyze the graph and eliminate highly unusual observations before running the regression. Because regression calculates the line that best fits the data points, observations that lie a significant distance away from the line could have an overwhelming effect on the regression estimate. Here we see the effect of one significant outlier. The computed regression line is a substantial distance from most of the points. The outlier moves the regression line. Please refer exhibit 5. 6. 3. Spurious or false relations Problem: Using too many variables in the regression. For example, using direct labor to explain materials costs. Although the association is very high, actually both are driven by output. Solution: Carefully analyze each variable and determine the relationship among all elements before using in the regression. 4. Assumptions Problem: If the assumptions in the regression are not satisfied then the regression is not reliable. Solution: No clear solution. Limit time to help assure costs behavior remains constant, yet this causes the model to be weaker due to less data. Learning Objective Seven: Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of alternative cost estimation methods. Statistical Cost Estimation Advantages 1. Reliance on historical data is relatively inexpensive. 2. Computational tools allow for more data to be used than for non-statistical methods. Disadvantages 1. Reliance on historical data may be the only readily available, cost-effective basis for estimating costs. 2. Analysts must be alert to cost-activity changes. Choosing an Estimation Method Each cost estimation method can yield a different estimate of the costs that are likely to result from a particular management decision. This underscores the advantage of using more than one method to arrive at a final estimate. Which method is the best? Management must weigh the cost-benefit related to each method (Lanen, 2008). Estimated manufacturing overhead with 520 repair-hours and $3,500 parts costs *. The more sophisticated methods yield more accurate cost estimates than the simple methods. |Account Analysis = $12,586 |High-Low = $12,384 |Regression= $12,982 |Multiple Regression= $13,588* | Data Problems Missing data Outliers Allocated and discretionary costs Inflation Mismatched time periods No matter what method is used to estimate costs, the results are only as good as the data used. Collecting appropriate data is complicated by missing data, outliers, allocated and discretionary costs, inflation and mismatched time periods. Learning Objective Eight: (Appendix A) Use Microsoft Excel to perform a regression analysis. Appendix A: Microsoft as a Tool Many software programs exist to aid in performing regression analysis. In order to use Microsoft Excel, the Analysis Tool Pak must be installed. There are software packages that allow users to easily generate a regression analysis. The analyst must be well schooled in regression in order to determine the meaning of the output! Learning Objective Nine: (Appendix B) Understand the mathematical relationship describing the learning phenomenon. Learning Phenomenon Leaning phenomenon refers to the systematic relationship between the amount of experience in performing a task and the time required to perform it. The learning phenomenon means that the variable costs tend to decrease per unit as the volume increase. Example: | |Unit |Time to Produce |Calculation of Time | |First Unit |100 hours |(assumed) | |Second Unit |80 hours |(80 percent x 100 hours | |Fourth Unit |64 hours |(80 percent x 80 hours | |Eighth Unit |51. hours |(80 percent x 64 hours | |Impact: Causes the unit price to decrea se as production increases. This implies a nonlinear model. | Another element that can change the shape of the total cost curve is the notion of a learning phenomenon. As workers become more skilled they are able to produce more output per hour. This will impact the total cost curve since it leads to a lower per unit cost, the higher the output. Chapter 5: END!! COURSE WORK EXERCISE 5-25 – A& B PROBLEM 5-47 -A& B REFERENCES Lanen , N. W. , Anderson ,W. Sh. & Maher ,W. M. ( 2008). Fundamentals of cost accounting. New York : McGraw-Hill Irwin. [pic]

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Fasting Feasting

INGESTION, DIGESTION AND REVULSION OF FOOD AND CULTURE IN ANITA DESAI'S FASTING, FEASTING T. RAVICHANDRAN* ABSTRACT This article attempts a cultural study offood and eating habits in Anita Desai's Booker Prize short-listed novel, Fasting, Feasting. It shows how the ingestion offood affects acculturation process both in India and America in a multicultural context. Considering Foucault's view that discourse is involved in the exertion of power, some of the discourses from the novel are scrutinised to reveal an oppressive power structure. Interestingly enough, the power structure of the novel revolves around a gastronomical centre; and parents through repressive familial norms exert power. The linguistic strategies, such as repetition and interruption, used to assert power are analysed by examining appropriate instances from the novel. Further, it shows how the novelist, through a transcultural bundle of representative characters as MamaPapa, Uma, Arun, the Pattons, Melanie, and Rod, assesses the cross-cultural culinary habits, divergences, and subversions involved. However, it concludes with the observation that taking the novel as a dichotomous study of two cultures, the one Indian, on account of its spiritual dimension representing ‘fasting', and the other, American due to its plenty signifying ‘feasting,' would result in a myopic reading. Whereas, the real charm of the novel lies in the flux shown between fasting and feasting – a digesting of the best of both the cultures. † †¦ he very essence of Indian culture is that we possess a mixed tradition, a melange of elements as disparate as ancient Mughal and contemporary Cocacola American† (Salman Rushdie) â€Å"From food, from food creatures, all creatures come to be. Gorging, disgorging, being come to be. † (Taittriya Upanishad) In the Indian cultural scenario, there has been a great outcry about the safeguarding and perpetuation of ‘ the Indianness. This implies, apart from * Dr. T. Ravichandran is a Assistant Professor in English, Department o f Humanities & Social Sciences, lIT Kanpur, India. LUCKNOW JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES: VOL. 1, NO. 1, JAN-JUN 2004 Downloaded From IP – 109. 161. 128. 204 on dated 23-Jan-2012 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale www. IndianJournals. com 22 T. Ravichandran Downloaded From IP – 109. 161. 128. 204 on dated 23-Jan-2012 Members Copy, Not for Commercial Sale ational identity, a culture characteristic of the country and its inhabitants in terms of originality, purity, sanctity, and exclusivity. However, in a decolonised land that lost much of its' originality' and'exclusivity' in cultural conflicts, negotiations and transculturation processes besides gulping down some novelty from the colonisers and other foreign migrants, debating on a monistic culture is inappropriate. Despite desperate endeavours to maintain a unilateral cultural fa

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis of Service Marketing UBER Technologies †Free Samples

UBER technologies are the company that is headquartered at San Francisco, California. It is the company that deals with transport network services. This company has started its business by developing a mobile application (Cramer & Krueger,   2016). This application is used by the customers to book or request the ride that is being transferred to the drivers who are using their own cars to conduct the trip. As per the data, the company operates its business in 58 countries and 300 cities in the entire world. After UBER, many companies have tried this business idea and launched their own taxi services for the customers. The ear is known as â€Å"Uberification†. This business was founded by two people named Travis and Garrett in May 2009 and they released the app for UBER in June in the same year. In 2012, UBER took the initiate to expand its business at international level (Creighton, 2017). In the year of 2014, the innovation of carpooling is initiated by the business and the company reached at the position of 48 th among the most powerful companies of America. As far as the business UBER is Australia it considered, it has been analyzed that the business has started in 2012 may. In Australia, it has been observed that the market share of the company is rising day by day. UBER has started its business by launching Uber black that includes only the black cars as the cabs by the chauffeurs. This initiative of the business takes up around 3% of the total industry market (Amin & Radhakrishnan, 2013). After that Uber taxi has been launched that allow the taxis to work under Uber as Uber cars. This strategy allows the company to earn more 2% of the market share. As the company has experienced success with these strategies then it started launching the UberX and captured around 22% of the electronic payment market. The above figure clearly describes the spending of the people in Australia on UBER in the electronic payment industry. This suggests that UBER is doing great with its business in Australia and there are more opportunities for the company to grow (Chen, Mislove & Wilson, 2015). as far as the customers and the target market of the company is considered, it has been analyzed that target market of the company are the smartphone users along with the internet access on their phones. They are considered as the potential customers because they are the prospects that can easily be converted into customers. The riders who want to ride are not only the target for the company (Cannon & Summers, 2014). The company also targets the drivers and the car owners. This is because UBER does not have its own cars and employs the individual who are the car owners. As far as the competitors of UBER in Australia are considered, the recent news suggested that Hi Oscar is the company that is taking over the market of UBER. This company has been launched by Perth locals Daniel and Jeremy. It has been analyzed that, may be UBER is cheap and provide convenient rides but still there are many reasons on that the business is replaced by another local company. some of the reasons are surge pricing, internal toxic culture, bad behavior of the drivers etc. the company has attracted around 330 drivers in Perth and then planning to launch its business in Sydney and Melbourne as well (Rogers, 2015). There is several strength of this business over UBER. The first strength or the advantage sis that it is a local company so can attract large number of local people towards it. In terms of income it charges only 15% of the total income from the drivers while other international; brand like Uber charges 25% of the income. This suggests that even if the local compan y is charging, the economy is remaining in the nation only. Strength is that the company is registered with GST (Wheeler IV, 2009). This company allows the users to select their driver and favorite those for future so that in future if they wants to take a ride they can select their driver. The company provides the rating system of thumbs up and thumbs down that help in removing the dilemma of average rating. Another major advantage of the ride from Oscar is that the women customers have the opportunity and chance to select for the women driver. Other than Oscar, GoCatch is another company that has launched its business in taxi industry (Mulley, Nelson, Teal, Wright & Daniels, 2012). Increasing number of companies in the industry is taking over the share of UBER in Australia and becomes a threat for it. The company has launched its services with lower prices than UBER by 10-15%. This is really an alarming stage for UBER to bring innovation in the business of Australia. UBER is observed to be the company that is very much focused for customer service. The company is customer oriented in nature. The major strategies that support the company cater the customer such great services are as follows: Simplicity: Uber app is very much easy and simple to use. It is a user friendly app that supports the customers to operate it easily without being much techno savvy. Even the drivers that are not so much educated can handle the app. it is not only for the users of smartphone but the customer those who are not having nay smartphone can also book their rides by messaging (Australia, 2017). This simplicity is the strategy of customer service by UBER. This is because of the pap is complicated then it cannot be used by nay of the uneducated person. Convenience: Taking ride from UBER is very convenient for the customers. Even if the customer does not know the location where he or she is standing, they can book a ride by sending their location and the driver can pick them up from there. As the company also deal with private cars so they are more comfortable and clean then the cabs or taxis. The payment method for paying for the rise is also very easy (Hall, 2017). It is not necessary to carry the cash all the time to take a ride from Uber. The app can manage the payments by themselves; the customer just need to associate his debit or credit cards with the app and the money will automatically gets deducted. Speed: Speed is another strategy of the company to provide great service to the customers. In any of the city where the UBER serves its customers, they can easily get the UBER cars nearby. This is because there are a lot number of Uber cars available and the system is such that distributes the drivers and the cars according to the demand of the cars at the place. As soon as the customer books the ride, the driver approaches to the customer in lease of the time. Service environment can be defined as the physical environment of the business. All the tangible things that are associated with the firm’s service and provide the proof of the quality of the services form the service environment. After booking the ride: As soon as the customer books the ride with UBER, the driver calls the customer and asks them about the location and tells them about the limit within which they can reach on the location (Tucker, 2017).  This helps the customer to know about the waiting time. After pick up: It has been observed that all the Uber cars are very well managed as after the pickup, the driver greets the customer with poise and ask them if they are comfortable or not. The cars smell good and provide the customer the feel of sitting in his own car rather than a taxi. After the drop: As soon as the driver drops the customer, the customer provides rating to the driver and vice versa. Driver also helps the customer to lift up their luggage if it’s heavy. All the above discussed points provide the information about the service environment of UBER. As discussed in the above section that even if UBER is performing well in its business but facing some of the issues in Australia. The main issue is the issue of surge charging. This is the major issue faced by the company as the local competitors in the place are not charging the surge prices with the customers and thus gaining the higher customer as then UBER. Another issue that has been analyzed with UBER is that most of the drivers do not know how to read the navigation properly. This is to be recommended to UBER that they should concentrate on providing training to their drivers about the application and the navigation app. They should also manage the surge pricing system so that they cannot lose their customers. It has been concluded from the above study that UBER is the company that deal with transportation service in many countries and also in Australia. The Australian business of the firm is doing well but still facing some of the competition from the local competitors such as GoCatch and Oscar. As far as the customer is considered, they have the target market of people those who are using smartphones and have internet connection. The service environment of the company suggests that the services of the company are very much convenient for the customers and provide a good experience of the rides. Some of the issues have also been faced by the company which can be overcome by taking the recommended actions. Amin, S., & Radhakrishnan, M. (2013).  U.S. Patent Application No. 13/672,658. Australia. (2017).  Australia. Retrieved 11 May 2017, from Cannon, S., & Summers, L. H. (2014). How Uber and the sharing economy can win over regulators.  Harvard business review,  13, 1-4. Chen, L., Mislove, A., & Wilson, C. (2015, October). Peeking beneath the hood of uber. In  Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Internet Measurement Conference  (pp. 495-508). ACM. Cramer, J., & Krueger, A. B. (2016). Disruptive change in the taxi business: The case of Uber.  The American Economic Review,  106(5), 177-182. Creighton, D. (2017).  Uber competitor launches in Brisbane.  Brisbane Times. Retrieved 11 May 2017, from Hall, B. (2017).  Uber has new competitors in Australia.  Uber Drivers Forum. Retrieved 11 May 2017, from Lovelock, C. (2011).  Services Marketing, 7/e. Pearson Education India. Lusch, R. F., & Vargo, S. L. (2014).  The service-dominant logic of marketing: Dialog, debate, and directions. Routledge. Mulley, C., Nelson, J., Teal, R., Wright, S., & Daniels, R. (2012). Barriers to implementing flexible transport services: An international comparison of the experiences in Australia, Europe and USA.  Research in Transportation Business & Management,  3, 3-11. Rogers, B. (2015). The social costs of Uber.  U. Chi. L. Rev. Dialogue,  82, 85. Tucker, H. (2017).  GoCatch is launching Australia's first Uber X competitor.  Business Insider Australia. Retrieved 11 May 2017, from Wheeler IV, G. Y. (2009).  U.S. Patent Application No. 12/453,780. Wilson, A., Zeithaml, V. A., Bitner, M. J., & Gremler, D. D. (2012).  Services marketing: Integrating customer focus across the firm. McGraw Hill.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Managing emotions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Managing emotions - Essay Example Interaction amongst workforce within an organization is intrinsic part of cohesive work ideology. Thus, a person who brings in negative energy like tension, worry, fear, disgust etc. is likely to adversely influence organizational performance. I think organizational leadership is vital tool that promotes optimistic disposition that looks at adversity as challenges to be exploited for improved performance. I also believe that effective communication and non verbal behavior are critical aspects of inter personal interaction that send out important messages of sincerity and trust. Indeed, emotional intelligence encourages understanding of human behavior so that messages are correctly interpreted and not under some emotional upheaval. It is for this reason that tough decisions or important information that may impact people should be conveyed face to face. It helps to understand and rationalize issues and information positively. Indeed, understanding of human behavior helps the leadership to meet the challenges. They are better equipped to encourage proactive participation of individuals for improved productivity. At the same time, it also helps them to diffuse conflicting situations in the workplace. Hence, organizational culture must promote understanding of human behavior and human psychology so that negative emotions of people can be turned into assets that can be exploited for higher performance. (words:

Smart Watch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Smart Watch - Essay Example Finally, certain recommendations have been made to help Samsung avoid a premature decline of the product. Samsung forayed into the smart watch market when it released the Galaxy Gear in 2013. The gadget, 2.6 ounces in weight, boasts of a 1.6-inch screen, a 1.9 megapixel camera and is  compatible with the Note 3 smartphone. A built in speaker enables  users to make hands-free calls. Samsung’s intent is to make the smart watch an integral part of the customer’s daily life (Cheng, 2013). The South Korean company has also rolled out the augmented versions of the smart watch under the brand names Gear 2, Gear 2 Neo, Gear Fit and Gear Live. The augmented feature of the Gear 2 smart watch is the stand-alone music player. The Gear 2 Neo is equipped to handle voice commands and therefore users can answer calls and emails directly from the wrist. The heart rate monitor is the augmented feature of the Samsung Gear Fit. This smart watch is also dust proof and water resistant. The Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo run Tizen  while the Gear Fit runs Samsungs proprietary RTOS (Sebastian, 2014). The Gear Live is powered by Google Android and has a built in pedometer in addition to the heart rate monitor. Samsung has announced that it is in the process of developing the Gear S. The yet-to-be-launched elegant smart watch will have access to 3G and 2G networks, as well as Bluetooth and WiFi. The 2-inch curved Super AMOLED display of the Gear S promises to provide an enhanced viewing experience. Data from research firm Smartwatch Group suggests that the global smart watch industry stood at $ 700 million in 2013. The industry is likely to touch $2.5 billion by the turn of 2014. Samsung has become a dominant player in the smart watch market space and had captured 34 percent market share in 2013 (Adams, 2014). Samsung has opted for a multi-pronged segmentation strategy for its range of smart watches. The company has used

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Famous trials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Famous trials - Essay Example The investigations asserted collected evidence from Frank Leo partners, such as Jim Conley to nail him during the trial. The investigations were based on the evidence collected at the scene of the crime. The notes found at the scene were used as leads to finding the murderer. However, the notes were discarded as they were considered a cover up. Consequently, a sweeper, Jim Conley was used as a witness to recount the happenings at the material day when the victim was murdered. The witness recounted how Leo Frank requested that Conley   keeps the door locked for him to make out a sexual activity with Paghan. The witness disclosed to the court that he kept the doors locked so that no one could access the room. He and Leo had made an arrangement on how they would communicate. The prosecution used the witness to assert that the suspect, Mr. Leo admitted to Conley that he hit the victim and called for his help in dumping the body. The prosecution also took issue with the conduct of the suspect in regard to female workers. As Conley and several women witnesses stated, Leo was a pervert who lured girls into having sex with him. Upon completion of the hearings, the amount of evidence availed by the prosecution was sufficient to hand a death sentence by hanging. The trial jury held that the suspect, Frank Leo was indeed the murderer and would be executed by hanging. The defense was dissatisfied and sought to appeal in the supreme court of Georgia. The appeal was based on availability of new evidence. However, the court dismissed the case on a 4-2 vote. The then governor of the state of Georgia, John M. Slaton, believed in the innocence of Leo Frank and reduced the sentencing into a life sentence. The defense was categorical that the case was racially motivated and biased. Despite the widespread cases of child labor in the state, the murder, especially committed by a Jew, was supposedly the most influential issue in the case. The

Friday, July 26, 2019

An Evaluation of Recent Digital Resources that Have Been Developed to Essay

An Evaluation of Recent Digital Resources that Have Been Developed to Support Teaching and Learning in ICT - Essay Example You may find it useful to write the assignment before making a presentation and then fine tune your work in the light of feedback from that occasion. Abstract Applicable with the use of the old ICTs (Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and digital videos), the role of the recent digital resources in primary school education is to bridge the teaching and learning gap between the primary school teachers and the student. Aside from making it easier to address the specific teaching and learning needs of each student, significant changes in the features of interactive whiteboard, Blackboard, COSE, and MOODLE are useful in terms of promoting e-security and facilitating better communication and interaction between the primary school teachers and the students and/or among the primary school students. Table of Contents Abstract .............................................................................................................................. 2 Table of Contents ...................... ......................................................................................... 3 I. ... ...................................................................................... 10 IV. Conclusion and Recommendations ....................................................................... 14 References ......................................................................................................................... 17 Appendix I – Sample of Scientific-based Study on Human Lung Capacity ..................... 22 Appendix II – Sample of a Napoleon’s Theorem Diagram Drawn Using an Excel Worksheet ........................................................................................ 22 Appendix III – PowerPoint Presentation on Multiplication Using a Combined Plain Text and Cartoon Character .............................................................. 23 Figure IV – PowerPoint Presentation on Multiplication Using Plain Text ........................ 23 Appendix V – Using PowerPoint Slides in Conducting a Whole Class Review Activi ty . 24 Appendix VI – Movie Trailer on How to Use iMovie ........................................................ 25 Appendix VII – Two-way Interaction Using MOODLE .................................................... 25 Appendix VIII – Using MOODLE for Individual or Group Math Homework .................. 26 Introduction Since 1999, ICT has become a significant part of the curriculum of the UK primary schools. To improve the quality of teaching and learning, primary school teachers are required to incorporate the use of ICT tools in their teaching and learning curriculum. Since primary school teachers in UK are required to use ICT in teaching, most of them buy Maths and English packages to allow the students to practice. These packages would also

Thursday, July 25, 2019

205 Finals Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

205 Finals - Coursework Example authorizes a roving wiretap he/she should have some assurance that an innocent witness sensitive communications are protected and that the court order is not an effective general warrant to be filled in later. The issue presented by the article is about the potential of the Patriot Act to prevent acts of terrorism. The article states that if the Act was available before 9/11, it could have prevented a potential attack against the United States from the terrorists. There is no bias in the article. The information is well presented and there are sufficient information and evidence provided by the author to prove that the Patriot Act was very crucial in the prevention of a possible attack. Although the article states that the terrorists left an electronic mail, some of the conversations provided are vague because they cannot ascertain who was being mentioned. The names included in the conversations are based on assumptions that those individuals were the one being targeted. It is imperative to note that the electronic mails did not give much of the information on the individuals put in parenthesis. The first paragraph of the article uses figurative language to describe the United States as viewed by Jeffrey Leon Battle, a terrorist. The paragraph states â€Å"Homegrown terrorist Jeffery Leon Battle considered America the â€Å"land of the kaffirs,’ or unbelievers, and the American people ‘pigs’† (Jeffrey, 2008). The author asserts that the Patriot Act was crucial in the prevention of a potential attack in the United States by the terrorists. â€Å"The Patriot Act was crucial †¦ to prevent a potential attack within the United States †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Jeffrey, 2008, p1). There are contradicting statements within the article such as; an individual is allowed to own a gun but it has to stay unloaded and with a trigger lock and this defeats the purpose of the gun as a means of self-defense. There are sections that need further clarification; the Second Amendment needs to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Analyze the data in paragraphs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Analyze the data in paragraphs - Essay Example When asked whether ELI classrooms temperature is usually suitable, 4 out of 30(13%) of the students agreed that the temperature is ok, 22 out of 30(74%) disagreed and thought that the temperature is not suitable and 4 out of 30(13%) were neutral. The fourth question was about whether ELI classrooms are provided with comfortable chairs and tables.9 out of 30(30%) of students interviewed answered in the affirmative, 14 out of 30(47%) of the students did not think that the tables and chairs are comfortable and 7 out of 30(23%) were undecided and hence neutral. The last question was about whether ELI classrooms are near to each other and usually taken in same building.8 out of 30(27%) replied in the affirmative,16 out of 30(53%) disagreed and 6 out of 30(20%) were neutral. The survey clearly indicates that ELI classrooms temperature is not suitable to most students and also the classrooms should be provided with comfortable chairs and tables. Majority of the students (53%) also do not think that ELI classrooms are near to each other and usually taken in same building. This should also be evaluated and implemented by concerned party, since it touches on the well being of the students directly, which is very crucial for their learning process. The ELI classrooms are however designed to be comfortable and practical for most students and are well equipped with technical tools which help in learning

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Core nursing competencies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Core nursing competencies - Essay Example They are, providing patient focused care. The nurse should have the patient as the center of their attention in providing fully fledged care and attention. A patient is the main reason for the existence of the nursing occupation anyway. Therefore it is the role of the nurse to provide ultimate care to the patient without diverging interest. The second competency involves being able to work in interdisciplinary groups. This competency requires respect among workers which is one of the provisions in the ANA code of ethics. Interdisciplinary workers come from different departments in the health care system who work together to provide health care services. All the professionals in healthcare work together to attend to the patient’s needs and meet effective patient care results. The third competency is using evidence based practice. This requires knowledge of processes and procedures in handling patients well enough. Methods of handling patients should be established so as to iden tify the methods that suit patients most. The third competency involves utilizing quality improvement. Multiple strategies get used in order to maximize the use of resources in serving patients. This should aim at making quality improvement effective. The best research strategies get utilized, clinical expertise are not disregarded and patient values to make patient care decisions. The fifth competency is use of informatics. This involves error reduction, good management of information as well as knowledge, decision making and communication. Nursing from a health care perspective looks at the many challenges that nurse’s face in their work. Most nurses can relate to stories of victimization at their workplaces (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012). Form the interviews of nurses on their experiences as nurses, it is right to conclude that it is an occupation that contains a lot of challenges to face. Some of the challenges in the nursing profession include the media’s nega tive image, challenges in nursing recruitment as well as retention, workplace culture and education. There have claims that nursing education theory differs from the practical work. Nursing is also disconnected from other spheres of influence in other areas of study. There is poor communication with other disciplines as stated. This creates a gap between nursing and other disciplines that could contribute to the efficiency of nursing. These other disciplines offer unique perspectives that could offer interprofessionalism. Health care safety remains a key matter in the profession. Safe practice with all people the nurses come in contact with improves communication with them. It also involves the nurse’s ability to think critically and apply the knowledge they have gained (American Holistic Nursing Association, 2012). They put their skills best in use and use their general wisdom in providing their service. Victimization, powerlessness and the inability to achieve things in the nursing profession has been a hurdle needed to be overcome. This has resulted in the undermining of the nursing profession. Many get external information that nursing is a hard and challenging job that would not be as satisfying. Nurses in the profession already get leveled at a lower status than other professions. It would not be because health care is undermined but how people perceive nurses. As This results to fewer people having the interest to become nurses. Nurses in colleges do not get enough preparation on

Tale of Genji-Evanescence of Life Essay Example for Free

Tale of Genji-Evanescence of Life Essay Man has always been the one that chases the woman, and the harder the woman is for them to get the more the man wants her. People tend to not appreciate what they have in front of them until they don’t have them anymore. The evanescence of a man’s relationship with a woman of importance is a recurring theme throughout the book. This is demonstrated frequently through Genji’s relationships with the women and people he cared about throughout his life. In Genji’s life he encounters a variety of women through which the same routine occurs; he falls in love, he loses her then he suffers. An important aspect of this evanescence of women is the consolation phase which follows where male characters seek comfort for lost from women of similar physical traits. In The Tale of Genji, Murasaki Shikibu convey the idea of evanescence of important relationships through Genji’s life. Genji’s mother Kiritsubo, who is the Emperors true love, died when Genji was only three years old. Genji had very little time with his birth mother; this foreshadows Genji’s whole life as he matures of how he continuously suffers from losing the women he cares about. When Kiritsubo passed away the Emperor was filled with unending sorrow, he â€Å"had clung all too foundly to his old love, despite universal disapproval, and he did not forget her now, but in a touching way his affection turned to [Fujitsubo], who was a great consolation to him† (Murasaki14). The Emperor seeks a substitute for his wife while Genji seeks a mother. The Emperors grief over Kiritsubo is eased when he meets Fujitsubo because she almost exactly resembles Kiritsubo. Although Genji does not remember his mother much, when the Dame of Staff told him that Fujitsubo resembled his mother, Genji â€Å"wanted always to be with her so as to contemplate her to his heart’s content† (Murasaki14). In order to find comfort, both Genji and his father seek substitution after losing the women the y love. Genji’s relationship with Fujitsubo was short lived. Fujitsubo was a mother replacement when Genji was young, and when Genji came of age he was denied access to her. Genji had an affair with Fujitsubo, falls in love with her and got her pregnant; even though no one found out he still cannot marry her because she is his father’s wife. When Genji was eighteen, he discovers Murasaki in the hills north of Kyoto. Though Murasaki was only ten years old, she already looked extremely similar to Fujitsubo. To Genji, Murasaki is a subsitude for Fujitsubo; he is drawn into her from the moment he saw her and was determined to adopt her no matter what. Genji told the nun that, â€Å"There is an unfathomable bond between her and me, and my heart went out to her the moment I saw her† (Murasaki 99). He falls in love with Murasaki because of her physical resemblance to Fujitsubo. In the end, Genji successfully took Murasaki away to his household before her birth father could make his proper claim. Genji was a father status to Murasaki when she was young, but when she came of age Genji married her. Genji and his first wife Aoi’s romantic relationship is short lived, Genji and Aoi is married for a while, she passed away when he just began to care about her. Genji did not have a good married relationship with Aoi because he finds her cold and unsympathetic, but when Aoi died Genji was depressed. After giving birth Aoi became very sick, Genji went to visit her, â€Å"The sight of her lying there, so beautiful yet so think and weak that she hardly seemed among the living, aroused his love and his keenest sympathy. The hair streaming across her pillow, not a strand out of place, stuck him as a wonder, and as he gazed at her, he found himself unable to understand how for all these years he could have seen any flaw in her† (Murasaki176). Genji did not appreciate or notice Aoi’s beauty until he loses her. After the Emperor died, Genji’s power and influence d eclined. Genji and Oborozukiyo also had a short relationship. They were caught in the act of making love by the Minister of the Right. After knowing that their affair was found out, Genji sent a message to Oborozukiyo saying that, â€Å"I am not surprised to have heard nothing from you, but I am sorrier and more disappointed than words can say now that I am leaving all my world behind† (Murasaki 235). Genji was refrained from seeing her and was exiled to Suma by Lady Kokiden. Throughout Genji’s life, he always falls in love with the women, then loses her and suffers in the end. It is also human nature that the harder it is to get something the more we want to get it. Genji fell in love with Utsusemi when he visited the governor of Kii in Kyoto. Utsusemi’s little brother Kokimi appealed to Genji, therefore, he took him into his personal service. Kokimi helped Genji deliever letters to Utsusemi, and Genji â€Å"learned that there was no hope, her astonishing obduracy made him so detest his own existence that his distress was painfully obvious† (Murasaki 44). He tried hard to seduce her but kept on getting rejected. Genji got hurt when he was rejected by Utsusemi, â€Å"It infuriated him that her amazing resistance, far from disappearing, had instead risen to this pitch, and he was beside himself with outrage and injury, although he also knew perfectly well that strength of character was what had attracted him to her in the first place† (Murasaki 44).When Kokimi was unable to set up Genji to meet with Utsusemi, Genji tells him, â€Å"Very well, then you, at least shall not leave me† and had him lie down with him (Murasaki 44). Since Genji was unable to get Utsusemi, in a way Kokimi became a replacement for her. In The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu, Genji’s always have short lived relationships with the women he cares about. When it comes to love, Genji tends to not have self-control. He knew he should not pursue Fujitsubo, Oborozukiyo, and many other women, but still he does it. Therefore, Genji has to suffer from constantly losing the woman he loves as the consequence to his actions. After falling in love, losing his love, and suffering, Genji always looks for someone who is physically similar as a subsitution. When the first object of desire proves to be out of reach, attention is naturally transferred to the next best thing. Bibliography Murasaki, Shikibu, and Royall Tyler. The Tale of Genji. New York: Viking, 2001. Print.

Monday, July 22, 2019

2.5 work file Essay Example for Free

2.5 work file Essay Directions: Complete the food safety interactive quiz. Use the information from the interactive quiz to complete the following responses regarding food safety practices. For each of the following food safety practices, share at least 2 statements from the interactive quiz. Be sure to put these statements in your own words and explain why they are helpful in preventing food borne illness. An example would be: When dining from a buffet, make sure hot food is hot and cold food is cold. Food that is 40 – 140 degrees Fahrenheit has already begun to grow bacteria and pathogens. Clean (16 points): 1. After handling raw meat, poultry, fish, or eggs wash your hands because you can get a foodborne illness. 2. Rinse fruits and vegetables with running tap water before eating, cutting, and cooking to reduce amount of bacteria present. Separate (16 points): 1. Keep many foods separate to avoid cross-contamination. It is the transfer of harmful bacteria from foods to other foods. Especially, when handling raw meat, eggs, or poultry. 2. Be sure to wash your counter and utensils with hot, soapy water to kill bacteria. Cook (16 points): 1. I f you leave cooked food out for 8 hours, throw away the food. See more: The Issues Concerning Identity Theft Essay Bacteria can grow rapidly and cause illness when it has the nutrients it needs. 2. You can a hamburger is cooked when you use a food temperature and the internal part of the hamburger is 160 F. Chill (16 points): 1. Freezing food should be kept and 0 F and below because it inactivates microbes- bacteria, yeasts, and mold. 2. By refrigerating foods at cold temperatures, you keep bacteria from multiplying. In your own kitchen, explain 2 food safety practices you feel your family can improve and 2 food safety practices you feel your family does well. (16 points) 2 food safety practices are: Run fruits and vegetables under tap water before cooking, eating, and cutting. Refrigerate food when not being used because bacteria forms rapidly. 2 safety practices: Wash utensils with warm, soapy water. Clean your counter with warm, soapy water to kill bacteria. In what ways do your school and community practice or promote food safety to contribute to your personal health? (20 points) They contribute to this by reducing pollution and cleaning up the community. By doing these little things, it can help my lungs be full of oxygen and not pollutants and cleaning up the community can save my life my protecting fish that I eat.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ebola Virus Explained Essay

Ebola Virus Explained Essay Introduction Ebola virus is one of the most virulent and lethal pathogens known to human. Ebola virus epidemics have emerged from time to time since it was first discovered in 1976 from the Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly known as Zaire, but the largest known Ebola virus outbreak up to date is ongoing at the time of writing this article, in West Africa. Approximately 550 000 cases are estimated to be reported from Sierra Leone and Liberia by the 20th of January 2015. The transmission of the infection to a number of countries including Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and occasional cases being reported from USA, Canada, Netherland and India reveal the potential of the infection to get spread worldwide. Despite this disease being highly contagious, life-threatening, and no specific treatment being found, it can be prevented with the use of proper infection prevention and control measures. The study of the Ebola virus disease is important as that knowledge will pave the way for the red uction of victims, the invention of an effective drug and will also be useful in the management of a similar epidemic. Virology Ebola virus is a member of the family Filoviridae. As the name implies the virus is filamentous in shape. Marburg virus and Ebolavirus are the two main genera of the viral family which are medically important. Viruses of these two genera are studied and presented together due to their many similarities in the life cycle, the primary reservoirs, ways of transmission, clinical presentation, treatment and prevention measures. The only noted difference is that the Marburgvirus is spread by bat species adapted to open forests such as savannah whereas Ebolavirus is spread by bat species adapted to deep rain forests(1). Five subtypes of Ebolavirus namely, Ebolavirus zaire, Ebolavirus sudan, Ebolavirus reston, Ebolavirus cote d’ Ivore, and Ebolavirus bundibugyo have been identified and named after the area in which they were first discovered(1). Of these E. Zaire was the first to be isolated and studied(1) and it is responsible for the most number of outbreaks(1) including the latest outbreak in 2014 before which E. sudan accounted for  ¼ of all Ebolavirus deaths(1). Except for the slight lower fatality rate, E. sudan is more or less similar to E. zaire. The case fatality rate of E. sudan is reported as 40-60% and that of E. zaire as 60-90% (3). Transmission Ebola is initially transmitted to human as a zoonosis. Various species of fruit bats found throughout central and sub Saharan Africa as hosts (2),( 4). Contact with bats through bites and scratches or exposure to their secretions and excretions through broken skin or mucous membranes can cause the infection in humans (2), (4). The infection can also be transmitted through other end hosts. Those recorded from Africa are forest antelopes, porcupines, chimpanzees, gorillas, monkeys and other non-human primates. Attacks during hunting these animals or handling infected animal carcasses have resulted in the introduction of the virus to the human population from the wild (1).The outbreak of the epidemic begins with the subsequent transmission of the infection from the index case to secondary individuals. An outbreak often begins from a single introduction to a human from the wild, which involves virus variants of little genetic diversity. Records reveal that outbreaks stemmed from multiple introductions lead to distinct chains of human to human transmission with a greater diversity in the virus variants(5). EVD is highly contagious. The infection may spread in the community and in the hospital environment through direct contact with infected body fluids such as blood, secretions and excretions or tissue of an acute patient or through direct contact with contaminated materials like clothes and bed linen(1). One major reason for the rapid spread of the epidemic is the traditional funeral rituals, which include cleansing of the cadaver, removal of hair finger nails, toe nails and clothing. People taking care of infected people including health care staff also have a high risk of contracting the disease. Moreover semen of male survivors is said to remain infectious for up to 82 days after the onset of the symptoms. As long as the virus remains in the body fluids the person remains infectious. Airborne transmission of Ebola virus is strongly suspected but is not yet experimentally proven. Clinical Presentation EVD caused by different strains of Ebola virus bring about different clinical features. Incubation period of Ebola virus is generally considered as 2 – 21 days. (1, 3) Ebola virus disease shows various acutely developing constitutional prodromal symptoms which lead to a wide range of differential diagnosis including not only other viral haemorrhagic fevers, but also malaria (3), typhoid (3), cholera (1), other bacterial rickettsial and even non-infectious causes of haemorrhage. The evolution of the disease resembles that of a severe haemorrhagic fever. Patients present with high fever, temperatures being as high as 39-400C (3, 6), body aches and fatigue (3).Subsequently gastrointestinal symptoms such as epigastric pain nausea, vomits and /or diarrhoea without blood appear if fever persists until day 3 – 5 (6). After 4 – 5 days of illness (4) a macular rash may appear but it may not be clearly noticeable on dark skin (1). After this stage haemorrhage from different sites begin. Bleeding from both upper and lower digestive tract, respiratory tract, urinary tract, vagina in females can be observed (1, 3). Further petechiae on the buccal mucosa, skin and conjunctivae develop. Recurrent episodes of vomiting which prevents any oral intake of fluids and large amounts of watery diarrhoea (5 or more liters per day) (6) contributes to a massive fluid loss leading to dehydration. If fluid replacement is inadequate, prostration, severe lethargy and ultimately hypovolaemic shock follows. Hypovolaemic shock has been reported in 60% of the cases (6). Despite the high body temperatures, patients acquire cold extremities due to peripheral vasoconstriction. Rapid and thready pulses, tachypnea, oliguria or anuria can be observed (6). Simultaneously features such as asthenia chest and abdominal pains, pains in muscles and joints and headaches develop. Although in some cases cough and dyspnea occur due to pulmonary haemorrhages, other respiratory symptoms except for hiccups are uncommon (6). Conjunctival injection is a common clinical feature. Neurologic symptoms that are usually seen are hypoactive and hyperactive delirium characterized by slowed cognitive functions, confusion, agitation and rarely seizures (6). As the disease evolves internal bleeding can also start but generally by this time patients are already in a state of coma (1). It is reported that only 5% of the patients present with haemorrhage from gastro intestinal tract before death. Most of the reported deaths have occurred due to shock during the 7th to 12th day of illness. Symptoms of 40% of the patients have improved around the 10th day though symptoms like oral ulcers and thrush have developed. Most of the patients who survived up to the 13th day have shown a higher chance of ultimately getting recovered. Some patients who showed initial improvement of symptoms have developed neck rigidity and lowered levels of consciousness which are associated with late mortality. Pathology Examination of autopsies and post-mortem biopsies is extremely useful in the study of the pathology of the ebola virus disease. Due to the biosafety risk to the autopsy personnel when handling specimens, pathological descriptions of only a limited number of cases are available (7). A common finding of Haematoxilin and eosine stained tissue sections is oval shaped or filamentous eosinophilic intracellular inclusions which are formed by the aggregation of nucleocapsids of the virus. These inclusions can be detected in macrophages, hepatocytes, endothelial cells, connective tissue fibroblasts etc. Immunohistochemical stains reveal viral antigens in cells of various infected tissues including macrophages, dendritic cells, epithelial cells of sweat and sebaceous glands, interstitial and tubular cells of the kidney, seminiferous tubules, endothelial cells and endocardial cells. In addition necrotic cells and cell debris contain antigens in large quantities. Electron microscopy exhibits abundant free virus particles in alveolar spaces, liver sinusoids, and interstitial cells of the testis and in dermal collagen. Karyorrhexis and apoptosis are seen in the cells of the portal triads, macrophages of the red pulp of the spleen and in the tubular epithelial cells of the ki dney (7). Liver tissue shows the most symptomatic histopathological features including focal or widespread necrosis of hepatocytes and mild steatosis. Although usually inflammation is minimal, hyperplasia of kupfer cells and infiltration of mononuclear inflammatory cells is seen. Infected lung shows congestion, haemorrhage and intra-alveolar oedema but inflammation is not significant. Mild focal infiltrates of mononuclear inflammatory cells are known to occur in the lamina propria of the stomach small intestine and the colon. Skin biopsies reveal dermal oedema, focal haemorrhages, petechiae, ecchymoses, and macular rashes. The spleen and lymph nodes exhibit widespread lymphoid depletion due to apoptosis and necrosis. Inflammation of the kidney is not evident although acute tubular necrosis is a usual finding. Even though the endocardium of the heart contains viral antigens, the myocardium does not show any significant damage. Brain histology shows panencephalitis and perivascular infiltration of lymphocytes (7). Prevention World Health organization (WHO) has recommended a set of infection prevention and control measures for health-care workers that include precautions that should be taken at different stages of managing EVD patients Standard precautions Regardless of the diagnosis it is recommended for health-care workers to take standard precautions when handling all patients, as it is difficult to identify EVD patients during early stages of the disease. These are, Performing hand hygiene Using disposable gloves before touching materials probable of being contaminated with virus Wearing eye protection and gown before involving in procedures which have a possibility of body fluids being projected. Hand hygiene Hand hygiene must be performed using soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub solution, following WHO recommended technique, before wearing gloves and personal protective equipment (PPE) after an exposure to a patient’s body fluids after a contact with a contaminated surface or equipment after removing PPE. if hands are visibly soiled Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) PPE should be worn before entering EVD patients’ care areas according to the recommended order by WHO and removed before leaving the care area. Contact of a used PPE with any part of the face or non-intact skin should be avoided. The PPE includes, Non-sterile gloves of the correct size Impermeable and disposable gown with long sleeves Face shield Puncture resistant and impermeable closed shoes Patient placement and management Suspected or confirmed EVD patients should be isolated and if possible kept in single rooms. If not they must be placed in beds with at least 1m gap in between. Visitors must be restricted except for those who are needed for the well-being of the patient such as a child’s parent. Management of used equipment and other materials It is recommended that equipment like stethoscopes should be decontaminated and sterilized before reuse, if separate equipment is not available. Parenteral medication equipment, surgical blades, syringes and needles should never be reused. They should be disposed in puncture resistant bins. All non-sharp solid waste should be disposed in to leak-proof bags or bins. Used linen should be collected in leak-proof bags kept at the place of use. They should be washed with water and detergent, rinsed, soaked in 0.05% chlorine for 30 minutes and then dried. All bins must always remain upright and should be sealed when  ¾ full. Before being taken out of the wards the outer surfaces of these containers must be disinfected using 0.5% chlorine. Environmental cleaning Cleaners should wear heavy-duty rubber gloves, and impermeable, puncture proof boots in addition to the PPE. Water and detergent must be used to clean the work surfaces and floors of the hospital. This should be practiced at least once a day. Other contaminated surfaces and objects must be cleaned and disinfected using 0.5% chlorine. Handling of biological material Performing autopsies, post-mortem biopsies and other laboratory tests of tissue samples of EVD confirmed or suspected patients should be minimized and should only be performed by trained personnel. Full PPE must be worn during handling specimens. All specimens should be delivered in clearly labeled, leak-proof, non-breakable, containers with disinfected outer surfaces. Dead bodies must never be washed or embalmed. They should be sealed in double bags, disinfected with 0.5% chlorine and buried promptly. Some cultural and religious rituals can be adapted if needed, but handling of the body must be kept to a minimum and full PPE must be worn at all times. In case of exposure to infected body fluids All current tasks must be safely and immediately stopped and PPE must be removed safely. Affected skin should be washed with soap and water and any affected mucous membranes like conjunctiva should be washed off with a plenty of running water. The person should be checked for fever and other symptoms for 21 days. Pathogenesis Pathogenesis of Ebola virus shows a similarity to that of most of the other filoviruses which involves immunosuppression, increased vascular permeability and coagulopathy (7, 18). Ebola virus enters the host though abrasions of the skin, though mucous membranes or though injection by accident. The virus enters monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells and gets carried away via lymphatics to the circulation. It then spreads to the liver and spleen infecting tissue macrophages and fibroblastic reticular cells. The main cellular targets of the virus are macrophages, dendritic cells and kupfer cells. Ebola virus shows interaction between varieties of cellular proteins which is why the infection is characterized by broad tissue and organ tropism. Immunopathology In most of the viral infections immune system plays a major role in containing the infection from spreading. However the tissues and organs of fatal EVD cases show minimal inflammation, suggesting of impairment in the immune responses. It has been found that structural proteins of filoviruses e.g. VP24 (Virion protein) and VP35 inhibit interferon responses and thus evade the host innate immunity. As previously mentioned, apoptosis of natural killer cells and T lymphocytes is revealed in histopathology which explains the suppression of the adaptive immune responses. As in many severe infections, Ebola virus infection also causes a massive release of pro-inflammatory mediators and vasoactive substances. Even though the pro-inflammatory mediators promote inflammation and coagulation, the systemic spread of the infection is not effectively controlled. This is probably due to the vasodilation mediated by the vasoactive substances. Endothelial dysfunction and coagulopathy The virus invades endothelial cells and endocardial cells and causes injury (18). This results in internal haemorrhage, fluid and electrolyte imbalance and cardiovascular failure. Endothelial damage results in the platelet aggregation and consumption. The increased level of pro-inflammatory factors and the increased production of surface tissue factor protein in infected monocytes and macrophages promote the coagulation cascade. Due to the hepatocellular damage the production of coagulation factors, fibrinogen, protein C and S are also decreased .Collectively this results in disseminated intravascular coagulation. Other socio-economic problems related to Ebola virus epidemics When considering the current outbreak, in addition to the huge number of lives that has been succumbed to the disease, it has created many other critical problems not only in Ebola hit countries, but in other African countries as well. Agriculture has the biggest contribution to the African economy. As many farmers have died of the epidemic and many have abandoned their farmlands in the fear of catching the disease, there is a huge labour shortage in these countries and a fall of food production. An emergence of a food scarcity in the near future is predicted by experts. Chocolate producing companies and many other industries are greatly affected by labour shortage. Nigeria and Ivory Coast are major cacao producing countries but most of the workers are migrants from Liberia and Guinea. International companies like Nestle and Mars have launched education and fundraising programmes to prevent the spread of the infection among cacao workers. Many schools have been closed owing to the deadly infection surging through the country. Besides the impact on education, the feeding programme carried on by the governments for children has come to a standstill as a consequence. Tourism is another sector hit by the epidemic. Even though Africa is a large continent bigger than Europe, USA and China combined; tourists tend to see it as a single country since the Ebola epidemic has emerged. For instance, Tanzania, a famous wild life destination is an East African country, more than 6000 miles away from an Ebola hit land. It is reported that hotels of Tanzania have lost 50% of bookings for 2015 (21). Many African countries refuse to host international events and conferences due to the risk of the Ebola epidemic being introduced. For example, Morocco, the host of African Cup of Nations, which is scheduled to January 2015, requests a postponement. The government says, â€Å"There is no way we can be lenient with the health and safety of the Moroccan citizens† (24).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

alittle store :: essays research papers

Adam Smith had many views that helped in making the world what it is today. I can’t imagine what the world would be like if there weren’t thinkers like Adam Smith. Going to college would be pointless and trying to be something more than a cashier in a little store down the street would be pointless. What would we be working so hard for if we made the same amount of money as when we were sixteen working in that little store? He had many other views that were just as important but this was a big interest to me as probably to many others. Smith believed that a nation's wealth was not derived by how much they had in resources, or in exchangeable products, but rather by the labor that people put into making that product. "The annual labor of every nation is the fund which originally supplies it with all the necessaries and conveniences which it annually consumes." Smith stated that a nation could increase the efficiency of the potential of its people by increasing skill and proportion. Smith noted that the best way to increase the efficiency of labor is the division of labor. The division of labor is the central factor in Smith’s theory of economic growth. Division of labor is the splitting of a large task into smaller tasks and then having one person is responsible for only one or two of the smaller tasks, which leads to an increase in productivity and stimulates the entire growth cycle, which increases the efficiency of the whole task. The division of labor and the accumulation of capital are what Adam Smith believed to be the driving forces of economic growth in any nation. He found that when the division of labor had broken down the production into a series of simple operations it was more natural for tools and machinery to be invented that replace hand labor and made everything go faster. Then it increased worker productivity. This increased productivity and combined with the growing production so it increased output. This made more resources available to society to enjoy higher standards of living standard of living and products were not as scarce as they once were. Then Smith noticed that there was a huge rise in the â€Å"wealth of the nation†. Adam Smith stated that what a product is worth depends on the amount of labor that must be used to make that product.

Pigs Role in Animal Farm by George Orwell Essays -- Animal Farm Georg

Pigs' Role in Animal Farm by George Orwell At the start of the novel Orwell describes the pigs to be the "cleverest of the animals." This is clearly an advantage and so leads to the pigs taking over the farm. There is a sense of leadership very soon after Old Major's death as the three pigs, Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer arrange meetings with the other animals and already begin to give orders. "You do not need sugar," says Snowball. It is evident here that Snowball believes that he has power over the other animals already. Further on during the second chapter Snowball and Napoleon send for a ladder, proving that they think they can use the animals to do jobs and progresses more in chapter 3 when they believe that they can direct and supervise the other animals and not actually do the work themselves. In chapter two Napoleon says, "Comrade Napoleon will lead the way." Using the word "lead" shows that the pigs think of themselves as more than just teachers and even have their own headquarters soon after. It is clear to us that the pigs are using their intelligence to trick the other animals and play mind games with them. Orwell describes Snowball as a "more vivacious pig than Napoleon." We can see this whilst he is still on the farm, as he is always doing things to benefit the whole of the farm, not just himself whereas Napoleon is. "Snowball made a little speech, emphasizing the need for all animals to be ready to die for Animal farm if need be." It is evident from this quote that Snowball is very passionate about the farm and will do anything to improve it. His passion for the farm is very much shown at the battle of the cowshed where he is in charge of the attack against Jones and other farmers. ... ...oleon-we have won every inch of it back again!" Squealer is making it out to be a good thing maybe because Napoleon wants the animals to still think of him as a great leader. The animals soon believe that what they have done is great and so join in with the celebrations. Another use of Squealer by Napoleon is to increase the belief that Snowball is a menace so they think of Napoleon as a better leader and Snowball as a traitor. Napoleon is always maintaining his power throughout the novel and also uses Squealer to do this by giving credit to Napoleon for everything and reminding the animals that he is a great leader even if what he is doing is wrong. This way the pigs are able to benefit greatly from communism which is what they wanted from the rebellion. They show no interest in improving the farm itself but only in the strength of their power over it.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Quantum Teleportation Essay -- quantum physics teleport

Quantum Teleportation is one of the newest areas of study in the field of quantum physics. It is the stuff of science fiction, which is fast becoming reality, where solid objects can be moved vast distances instantly. It has been the subject of books and movies for years but it wasn’t until recently that physicists at IBM’s laboratories made it a reality. The ideas that formed the basis of these experiments came about from previous research by scientists such as Albert Einstein and Heisenberg. This essay will explore the research done on this subject, the theories behind it, and the possible applications. Quantum teleportation is the idea that transporting matter can be achieved instantaneously by taking advantage of certain aspects of quantum physics. It is not possible to actually transport the matter, but rather, the properties of the object being transported can be applied to matter in a separate location. This newly created object is identical to the original down to the state of the individual atoms, and so is in effect the same object. The original object loses its properties during the process and is, in effect, destroyed. This takes advantage of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlation (Quantum), also referred to as entanglement. When two particles are entangled they take on properties identical to each other regardless of separation. This means that if something alters one of the entangled pair it affects the other in the exact same manner. In order to transport something we have to start with one of these entangled pairs. One particle at the source location and one at the location we want to transport the new object to. We then take a third particle, which is what will be transported, and measure it in relation ... ... in the field of computing. Because computers operate on a binary system it is possible that individual quanta cold be used to store information. This is possible because quanta can be in two states, horizontal and vertical. Using quantum teleportation information can instantly be sent from one point to another. An example of quantum computing could be if a person had to search a dorm for a specific item. Normally the person would have to go to every door in turn and look inside but if this were a quantum computer doing the searching it could look in every room at the same time. Works Cited Quantum Teleportation. IBM corporation. 1995. . Barret, Curtis. Quantum Teleportation. 23 April 2000. . Zeilinger, Anton. "Quantum Teleportation." Scientific American. April 2000. 50-59.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Reconstruction’s Failure Essay

Congress Reconstruction efforts to ensure equal right to freedom failed because the enforcement acts that was giving in Document 2, Prejudice in the south giving Benjamin Boyer’s speech and from the book â€Å"Black Reconstruction in America† in document 6, another reason was the Compromise of 1877. In the exert from the New York times, it states the Ku Klux Klan purpose was to establish a nucleus around which the adherents of the late rebellion might safely rally. The whites thought that it threatened individual freedom because it allowed the government to punish the Ku Klux Klan and banned disguises. The kkk wonted to enforce the fourteenth amendment which is to â€Å"make slaves citizens† to the constitution of the U.S. They believed in the innate inferiority of blacks. The Ku Klux Klan and other terrorist groups tried to keep African Americans from making economic process They killed there livestock, attacked the African Americans who owned land and forced th em to work for previous slaveholders. Many southerners were opposed to African Americans gaining equal right and voting in elections so they formed terrorist groups. They were very prejudice in the south. Benjamin Boyer’s wrote a speech that stated† It is common for the advocates of negro suffrage to assume that the color of the negro is the main obstacle to his political quality† meaning its common for people to see black as people who shouldn’t have the right to vote. He also said Negros are not equal of white Americans and are not entitled. In the book Black reconstruction in America he said the American Negro was compelled to give up his political power. What he was saying if Negros wonted to work or wonted to increase the income they couldn’t handle politics to. Another reason was the Compromise of 1877. After the southerners made great changes affecting the lives of freed African Americans, restricting the right of freed slaves. Hayes got the 20 disputed electoral votes. They were unlimitedly awarded to him after a bitter legal and political battle. The south accepts republican, Hayes becomes President and the North agrees to end reconstruction and withdraw troops. They also agreed to build a railroad from Texas to the West Coast and also agreed to appoint southerners to the cabinet. Reconstruction failed for many different reasons. Reconstruction was suppose to be the period of rebuilding after the Civil war in which all the confederate states returned to the union. Like  may things everything doesn’t always go as planned.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Describe and illustrate what you consider to be the key features of Homers narrative technique

The importance of homing pigeons fib technique in appreciation of the Odyssey fanny non be emphasised enough. The role of metaphors, rhythm, conventional base, epithets, rhythm, folk taradiddle motifs and orient rescue is to create stillness in the numbers and give vacate to a busy form of home runic annamyotrophic posterioral sclerosis. The texture of the poem allows a subscriber or audience a originative sh be in the artistic run by and through1 as the numerous literary devices create a colourful high-flownal story comprised of the objective, the subjective and the dramatic.The notion of an unwritten customs runs closely alongside homeric tarradiddle in our appreciation of the Odyssey, and the ideas argon closely entwined with iodine another. Thus to grasp key boasts of Homeric muniment, it is beta to retrieve the role of the literal tradition in the servicemandatetion of this. To understand key features of Homeric recital it is first worth c onsidering the precise role of the linguistic phonomena of our text of Homer2 and its profound effect on the poem.The elements of ph atomic number 53tics, morphology, and vocabulary which point of referenceize the narrative is a construction of Aeolic, Ionic, artificial, and possibly Achaean text. Homer exercised obsolete pronounce form, new record forms and even created artificial forms in drift to utilize a langu long time neutered to the needs of hexameter versification. 3. Thus formula was distinctly of primary importance in Homeric narrative to the extent that language had to allow for for formula not formula to language, natural frth from the strict puzzlence to the literal tradition.It all the tr hold back allows flexibility in compusure for the bard as the infinitive to be has following forms in Homeric narrative emen, emmen, emenai, emmenai, einai, for each one is relegateicular to a effect provided each gives different poesy of syllables at the poets disp osal thus can adhere to rhythmic structure. Formula frames the Odyssey from the beginning, some(a)(prenominal) repeated expression floor to ancestry scenes and themes that are rcorrent in the same formulaic composition. Origin of the works of Rothe, of Scott and Shewan set aside to demonstrate that formulae are found over in Homer and that there mustiness be a common credit line from which every epic poet could draw.There does catch ones breath question as to how much to attr besidese to the unmarried poet as Homeric tradition or just as bardic tradition in general thus does it prepare Homeric narrative. M. Meillet wrote that Homeric epic is al together composed of formulae handed down from poet to poet. An test of any passage will speedily reveal that it is make up of lines and fragments of lines which are reproduced word for word in one or several other passages4 both(prenominal) fold purpose of formulaic composition allowed expression of ideas in a capable manne r, and of attenuating the difficulties of versification.Example of Traditional epithet as repetition (list no. of places) meant when mount required it, and when the sense allowed it, bard could watch any combination of these expressions creating both a eccentricset line and a complete sentence. legion(predicate) frameworks of an expression regularly recitationd under the same careful conditions, to express an substantive idea about a charafcter important when considering the authors intehntion of allowing the audience some hint of chracter. A proper noun with the help of some epithetic word creates a formula which exactly fills that sight of the line which extends from the feminine caesura to the end.This is called noun epithet formula as it is of a given metrical value and is made up of particular parts of computer address. They indirectly attempt to cite certain characteristics or manners with each hero and distinguish him from others without stone character that is n ot respective(prenominal) to listeners opinion. Repetition through Stock scenes is alike present not metrically identical yet structurally identical for example 1. 102 and 14.? Prime examples of cordial reception stock scene. (GO INTO SPECIFICS).In relation to the spoken tradition it allowed the bards to transfer the long tale in a consistent way without needing to strand so forth amzing memory even further, it als grittylights or obtains more apparent characters who dont adhere to the rules of hospitality characterizing them in a cast out way as Homer intended. The solidity of narrative created by repetition of type scenes important adds a acertain kind of inning structure to the poem. Direct mother tongue comprises 45 % of the Odyssey and is therefore an important feature of Homeric narrative.It conveys a violence of beliefing that is both dramatic and allows the characters themselves to develop the plot or reveal their own personalities. Plato give tongue to of Hom ers habit of discourse that it has a unique flavor of its own5 . Two kinds of direct speech any public or private. Private speech (EG) sees characters talk amongst themselves and evoke spontaneous emotion that further characterizes. Similarly public speeches sees leaders put forward opinions in council or agora same role just it normally displays qualities of leadership or arrogance. spirit emerges from words endowed with life for example Odysseus and his man of many wiles persona. cross off the feature and diversity of the speech. The amount of direct speech serves to make silence even more poignant (Book 16 and Odysseus and Penelope 23. 85-96) In example notice gnomes in the know lines of direct speech which sees the wisdom of generations contained in brief statement and phrasing reveals high moral tone. Direct speech in like manner plays an important role in assisting vizualisation of outward-bound appearance, as Homeric narrative rarely describes specific visual chara cteristics.It generally attempts to gird up a mental gist of the people as opposed to comminuted visual project as the delightful is never described6 except for Thersites in Illiad when the poet delights in his uglification (II . 216)and that is the beauty of root in oral tradition. Open ended characters and Odysseus is different to everyone whether you look up to his wit and slyness or feel him distrustful. The Artistic detail revealed through speech as the poet endows his heroic characters with the knowledge which he himself possessesEMBEDDED FOCALIZATIONSimilarly often through direct speech main features are marked in advance by prognosticate or prophecy (1. 16)(4. 767)central acts like the remnant of the suitors is forecast more than once, each one emphasising more and more the tragic and lowering character of what is to precipitate, it also increases tension of some main events and glues the long paper together with consistency. Thirty nine Similes (metaphor extend ed and simplified) make the text vivid and the extended epic simile is a peculiar feature of Homeric epic.Favours a full legth simile extending to six or seven lines begins by describing scene or an action suggested by what happens in the narrative, then develops little picture illustrating emotion. Often begins normally describing scene suggested by main action but eventuall loses relate with that it was trying to illustrate (5. 51-3). Nothing duplication illuminated by excess yet continuation adds fresh elements to degreeThey can be used to suggest the external appearance and psychology of the hero (EG LION ODYSSEUS).They curiously introduce aspects of every sidereal daytime life in to the the heroic world, roots of epic, making oral appreciation better as listeners ould remove been able to relate to simile whilst also seeing the epic in context of heroism in comparison long-familiar world of everyday life. These comparisonsnhave a roots in tradition yet intelligibly refle ct Homers own passionate following in the world and desire to use it as a counterweight to heroic tale heightens tension between the theme and the simile (12. 51)(9. 383).Many similes appeal to the senses (Oral tradition) to make them more poignant and vivid, great song centered around human constituent that characterize individuals and types or the essence of a relationship( )(16. 216-19). Lricism of Homeric simile astounding relating different seasons, storms, wildlife it also adds significance. Could be used to stomach a theme in the poem for example Nausikaaa compared to Artemis at 8. 521 and Odysseus to a survey Lion at 6. 128.It was suggested by Shipp 1953 in a linguistic study that similes were froma later stage of epic tradition overdue to double similes and irrelevant elaboration that appears unnecessary, but these further accentuete points and add to poignancy. They make an action more vivid and and imaginable whereas a psychological state is hard to convey it is easier using simile. It throws a distinguishing light on that which coud become monotonous. It allows poet to say that which cannot be said in a direct statement.Notice how Homer avoids negative simile and assembling of short similes round a private point suggesting use of similes is very tump over and purposeful. Folk tale motifs first made apparent by Ludwig Radermacher in 1915 in Die Erzahlungen der Odysee. Evident that there are certain stories underlying the Homeric poems, although not possible to separate them all as individual texts. Simple genuine fay tales shown by J. Tolstoi in Philologus 1934 ten motifs from Russian tales as components of a modern story all occur in the Odyssey. layer of the web unmistakable characteristic of folk tale based upon motif that day is at hand to re wed Term draws near and crisis is about to arise. When Telemachos has a beard.. beginning of fairy tale Homer actually made this specially his own. Orientalization Gilgamesh etc. Make mention . Departure to far-flung land and instructions left git in particular coming of age myth. (Deer as Pagan myth). Bow scehem of story easily recognizable as a folktale motif the old gun of the missing hero will usher who of the competitors is his equal, but that is nobody except himself.Points to revelation, mop up in suitors sudden realization of fag and Queen there. Structure of Homeric narrative is tangled, yet orderly. Ring composition is a form of repitition used to signal the end of a section by let loose its beginning. It is frequent in digressions, including similes and also in speeches. Ranges from simple examples 1. 252-69 where begins with If only he were to come now the man he was when I first saw him if only Odysseus, the man he was then, could meet these suitors .More complex examples include the beginning of the wanderings being signalled by a TWO DAY tempest and ending with a twain day storm8 in between enclosing two sequences of five episodes each on all sid e of the underworld . Probably through oral tradition allows easilt memeorable as a pattern to stick to. Oral tadition Homer must omit much that a literate poet might think necessary and that he employs certain devices to make his narrative easy to follow. Homer has a basic consideration for hearers great figure out on narrative technique.The rhapsodes success is judged by the course of recitation thus to begin with want to keep hold of readers assistance . Homer wants to coax the listener into a state of relaxed receptivity thus demonstrable directness, simplicity and fullness in its narrative and has a dramatic manner of incidents. This characterizes dialogue and whole structures of Odysseus and Illiad. The skill as a story teller comes through Odyyseeys victimization mid book not the result of the story his eluding charm etc.Homer concern with hearer eveident in his tendency to repeat incidents, motifs and themes and in part for stock phrases, this all protects the rhapsode from slowing down and assists a listeners memory without effort of their part. Milmann comeback that inattention was the normal compliment remunerative by an audience to a recurrent epithet9 . Depite vagueness Homeric narrative provides the most elaborate and convincing representations of individual psychology to be found in classical literature

Cultural Landscape Essay

A heathenish priming coatscape painting is a piece of land that possesses lifelike and cultural resources related to an historic event, person, or group of people. They be comm tho man-made lexis of relationships with the nature and/or society or culture. These crowd out include grand estates, public gardens and parks, educational institutions, cemeteries, highways, and industrial sites. ethnic decorates are besides kind-hearted-centered works of art, texts and narratives of cultures that express regional and cultural identity.They also present relationship to their ecological perspective. Human activities cast turned out to be a major ca white plague of shaping most cultivated adorns on the surface of Earth. Human, animal and machine labor expended in using the land laughingstock create large(p) cultural landscape painting paintings with high aesthetic, cultural and ecological shelter such as the paddy-field rice terraces of south-east Asia, tho may as well reso lve in land degradation as is the case in some regions in the Mediterranean.The distri barelyion of landforms such as steep slopes, fertile plains, inundated valleys in a landscape sets the frame for land use by determining factors such as accessibility, water and nutritious availability, but may over long periods of condemnation also be changed through land use. On the other hand, land use serves clean-cut socio-economic purposes land may supply materials and energy through hunting, horticulture or forestry, it may host infrastructure, or it may be needed to absorb waste and emissions (Haberl et al., 2004). fieldscapes arouse be seen as the contingent and historicly variable quantity outcome of this interplay between socio-economic and biophysical forces. During the evolution of cultural landscapes passim the world, valets have developed adaptive land-use techniques and created circumstantial conventions of fields, farmsteads, remnant woodlots and the like that depended on both indwelling and socio-economic conditions.In European boorish landscapes, the long annals of land interlingual rendition has led to regionally distinct regular patterns of geometrically arranged landscape elements, reflecting the historical and cultural background of the prevailing land-use system of a region (Bell, 1999). The spatial distribution of ecotopes, the so-called landscape structure, has therefore often been regarded as a arial mosaic of rooted(p) processes i. e. landscape structure assumedly mirrors the processes which had been going on in a landscape.This perception has even sour a central paradigm in novel landscape ecology. While many ecosystem processes are concentrated to observe directly, landscape structure can be derived from mapping as well as from remote-sensing information therefore, landscape structure was often not only used to evaluate the ecological value of landscapes, but also to judge ecological aspects of the sustainability of land-use patterns (Wrbka et al. , 1999b). The Influence Of Land Form On The Intensity Of Land utilisation Cultural landscapes have, in contrast to instinctive and semi-natural landscapes, special(prenominal) characteristics.The disturbance regime as well as the major material and energy fluxes in these alter landscapes is controlled to a large extent by humans. This is through with(p) by the different land-use practices applied for meadows, arable land or forests. Decisions about land use are made according to the local agro-ecological characteristics which are nested in a hierarchy of social, economical and technical constraints. Cultural landscapes can thus only be understand by analyzing the interplay between biophysical and socioeconomic patterns and processes. decorate construction And Intensity Of Land UseOdum and Turner (1989) give that the landscape elements of the Georgia landscape in the archeozoic 1930s had a higher fractal dimension than the elements of the similar re gion in the 1980s. During the same period of clipping the use of fertilizers, pesticides and other agrochemicals increase dramatically. This illustrates that the growing human impact on the land may result in a landscape with decreasing geometrical complexness. Human activities introduce rectangularity and rectilinearity into landscapes, producing regular shapes with square(p) borders (Forman, 1999 Forman and Moore, 1992).Various studies suggest that the rate of landscape transformation is a function of land-use effectiveness (Alard and Poudevigne, 1999 Hietala-Koivu, 1999 Mander et al. , 1999 Odum and Turner, 1989), and that the geometric complexity of a landscape in particular reduces with change magnitude land-use intensity accompanied by a fall down of habitat heterogeneity and an increase of doing units. Applying the thermodynamic laws to landscape structure, Forman and Moore (1992) suggested that the concentrated input of energy (e. g., by tractor ploughing, establish production, wildfire) strikes the south of patches compared to adjacent areas and produces straight and brusk boundaries. In other words, energy is postulate to exchange natural curvilinear boundaries into straight lines and energy is required to maintain them. The reduction of the energy input increases entropy and revegetation convolutes and softens landscape boundaries. This means that the landscape structure, in the sense of Forman and Godron (1986), can be regarded as frozen processes. landscape painting Structure And BiodiversityMany surveys show that species comprehensiveness of vascular institutes and bryophytes normally decreases with land-use intensity (Luoto, 2000 Mander et al. , 1999 Zechmeister and Moser, 2001 Zechmeister et al. , 2003). As the sleeper between landscape structure and land-use intensity could be established, shape complexity as a dance step of land-use intensity seems to be also a great predictor of species birthrate (Moser et al. , 2002 Wrbka et al. , 1999a). Accordingly, higher species richness in areas with high LD and richness values can be expected.The use of shape complexity indices as indicators for plant species richness is based on an assumed correlativity between geometric landscape complexity and biodiversity (Moser et al. , 2002). Obviously, this correlation coefficient is not mechanistic but it is supposed to be due to congruent effects of land-use intensity on landscape shape complexity and species richness. Moser et al. (2002) gives a cheeseparing literature overview about the driving factors responsible for the decrease of landscape complexity with increasing land-use intensity, which resulted in the undermentioned key findings* The majority of landscape elements in agricultural landscapes are designed by humans as rectangles with straight and distinct boundaries (Forman, 1999). * Outside boundaries of semi-natural or natural patches are straightened by neighboring cultivated areas (). * change magnit ude land-use intensity is accompanied by a decrease of semi-natural and natural areas (Alard and Poudevigne, 1999 Mander et al. , 1999), resulting in a decrease of natural curvilinear boundaries.* Intensification in agriculture tends to increase the size of it of production units (Alard and Poudevigne, 1999 Hietala-Koivu, 1999). In addition to that intensification of land use on the production unit, e. g. , by fertilizing or increased mowing intensity, also leads to a dramatic decrease of the species richness (Zechmeister et al. , 2003). The description of the degradation of semi-natural and agricultural landscapes shows clearly the mutuality of biodiversity and landscape heterogeneity, induced by closely distort ecological, demographical, socio-economic and cultural factors.For an effective conservation management of biodiversity and landscape eco-diversity, a clear brain of the ecological and cultural processes and their perturbations is essential. Intermediate disturbance le vels lead to a passing complex and diverse cultural landscape which can host many plant and animal species. Landscapes, with eco-diversity hotspots, can be regarded as hint for biodiversity hotspots. Landscape pattern indicators therefore play an important role for landscape conservation planning. The understanding of landscape processes is crucial for the conservation of both, landscape eco-diversity and biodiversity.Conclusions From a conservation biology depute of view, the ongoing process of genetic erosion and biodiversity deprivation as well as the replacement of item recognizable cultural landscapes by monotonous ubiquistic production sites will continue. The biophysical characteristics and natural constraints of the investigated landscapes are interwoven with the regional historic and socio-economical development. This interplay is the background for the development of a kind of cultural landscapes which have their own specific characteristics. Geo-ecological land-units entrust one solution.This is of special importance when the relationship of landscape patterns and underlying processes is under investigation. Works Cited Alard, D. , Poudevigne, I. Factors controlling plant diversity in rural landscapes a in operation(p) approach. Landscape and Urban be after, 1999 46, 2939 Bell, S. , LandscapePattern, Perception and Process. E. &F. N. Spon, London, 1999 Forman, R. T. T. , & Godron, M. Landscape Ecology. Wiley, New York, 1986. Forman, R. T. T. , & Moore, P. N. Theoretical foundations for understanding boundaries in landscape mosaics.In Hansen, F. J. , Castri, F. (Eds. ), Landscape Boundaries. Consequences for biotic Diversity and ecological Flows. Springer, New York, 1992, pp. 236258. Forman, R. T. T. Horizontal processes, roads, suburbs, social objectives in landscape ecology. In Klopatek, M. , Gardner, R. H. (Eds. ), Landscape Ecological Analysis Issues and Applications. Springer, New York, 1999, pp. 3553. Haberl, H. , Wackernagel, M. , Kr ausmann, F. , Erb, K. -H. , Monfreda, C. Ecological footprints and human appropriation of net primary production A comparison.Land Use Policy, doi10. 1016/ j. landusepol. 2003. 10. 008. , 2004 Hietala-Koivu, R. Agricultural landscape change a case study in Y lane, Southwest Finland. Landscape and Urban Planning , 1999 46, 103108. Luoto, M.. Modelling of rare plant species richness by landscape variables in an agriculture area in Finland. Plant Ecology , 2000 149, 157168. Mander, U. , Mikk, M. , Ku. lvik, M.. Ecological and low intensity agriculture as contributors to landscape and biological diversity. Landscape and Urban Planning , 1999 46, 169177.